Q1: Your hand is worth 5 points - 1 queen (2 points) , 2 jacks (1 point each) and 5 spades (1 point).
If you are unsure why this hand is worth 5 points redo Lesson 6 - Counting hand points - 30 mins
Q2: Your hand count is less than 11 points, you should pass
Q3: Your hand is worth 14 Points - 2 aces, 1 king, 1 queen and 5 spades.
Q4: You should bid your longest suit at the first possible level.
If your opponent has passed - bid 1 spade.
If your opponent has bid either 1 club or 1 diamond or 1 heart - bid 1 spade.
If your opponent has bid 1 no trump - bid 2 spades
Q5: Your hand is worth 18 points - 2 aces, 1 king, 3 queens and 1 jack
Q6: As you have a balanced hand with at least 3 cards in each suit and no obvious best suit, bid no trumps at the second possible level.
If your opponent has passed - bid 2 no trumps
If your opponent has bid either 1 club or 1 diamond or 1 heart or 1 spade - bid 2 no trumps
If your opponent has bid 1 no trump - bid 3 no trumps
If your opponent has bid 1 no trump - bid 2 spades
Q5: Your hand is worth 18 points - 2 aces, 1 king, 3 queens and 1 jack
Q6: As you have a balanced hand with at least 3 cards in each suit and no obvious best suit, bid no trumps at the second possible level.
If your opponent has passed - bid 2 no trumps
If your opponent has bid either 1 club or 1 diamond or 1 heart or 1 spade - bid 2 no trumps
If your opponent has bid 1 no trump - bid 3 no trumps
Q7: Your hand is worth 26 points - 3 aces, 3 kings, 7 spades and a singleton heart.
Q8: You should bid your longest suit at the third possible level. If your opponent has passed - bid 3 spades.
If your opponent has bid either 1 club or 1 diamond or 1 heart - bid 3 spades.
If your opponent has bid 1 no trump - bid 4 spades
Opening the bidding - testLesson 8 - Responding to partner's bid - 30 mins